Created following a round the world trip in 2010, M’Agis is an association which aims to bring magic into the lives of children in extreme conditions (social, economic, psychological, educational …).
In partnership with associations and NGOs already implanted in different countries, we offer magic shows followed by educational workshops.
The former amaze the spectators, the latter offer special moments which favour the development of individual relationships. By initiating an artistic practice which is fun yet demanding, the workshops help to restore often damaged self-confidence and leave a lasting magical impression.
Associations, NGOs …
Do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested by our offer of social magic and wish to initiate a project with us.
Amateur or professional magicians, performers interested in social magic,
Please contact us if you wish to join a M’Agis mission:
we will be happy to meet with you and develop a project together !
26 rue des douanes Gréville-Hague - 50 440 La Hague